Introducing Akto with Helm charts in Kubernetes
You can now deploy Akto using Helm Charts in Kubernetes. Read this blog to learn how to do it and the significance of Helm Chart deployment.
Ankita Gupta
5 mins
Introduction to Helm Charts
Akto needs traffic to establish continuous API Inventory and monitor APIs for misconfigurations. Akto has 20+ traffic connectors to detect API traffic in an automated way. To support Kubernetes deployment in a seamless way, we added Helm Charts Deployment as one of the 20 traffic connectors. Since release, this has become the most popular and recommended way to deploy Akto in Kubernetes environment. Read more to learn more about it.
What are Helm Charts?
A Helm Chart is a package used in Helm, the package manager for Kubernetes. It includes a set of predefined resources and configurations for deploying and managing applications on Kubernetes. Each chart contains a Chart.yaml
for metadata, a values.yaml
for default configuration values, and templates for Kubernetes manifest files. Helm Charts simplify the deployment and update process, support version control, and enable easy sharing of Kubernetes applications through repositories. Essentially, they make it much easier for developers to handle complex deployments and configurations.
Getting started with Akto Deployment using Helm Charts
Resources for installation using Helm Charts
Step 1: Prepare Mongo Connection string
Akto stores all of its data in Mongo DB. Akto is also compatible with AWS Document DB and Azure Cosmos DB. You will have to setup your MongoDB and provide its address in step (2). It can come from either of the following:
Your own Mongo
Mongo Atlas
AWS Document DB
Existing Akto setup
Mongo on K8s with Persistent volume
Details steps are in the documentation.
Step 2: Install Akto via Helm
This is a standard Helm chart setup. Add Akto as a repo and install “akto” chart. Please ensure the cluster has connectivity to Mongo setup in step (1).
Add Akto repo
helm repo add akto <
Install Akto via helm
helm install akto akto/akto -n dev --set mongo.aktoMongoConn="<AKTO_CONNECTION_STRING>"
kubectl get pods -n <NAMESPACE>
and verify you can view the below 4 pods:
Step 3: Verify Installation and harden security
The final step is to harden security of your deployment. Follow the steps mentioned in the documentation for this step.
Significance of Helm Charts Deployment
Helm Charts have been significant to our customers due to their efficiency and simplicity in deploying and managing applications on Kubernetes. In simple words, it’s a one line installation. This has completely automated the deployment process during onboarding, making it easier to handle complex deployments and configurations. They have reduced deployment time in Kubernetes from 15 mins to under 5 mins. This makes them a popular choice for deploying Akto in a Kubernetes environment.
You can explore other options of deployment and traffic connectors in our documentation. Or email for any questions on deployment.
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