Login using GitHub is now available to all On premise users

Login using GitHub is now available to all On premise users

Author profile

Ankita Gupta

1 min

Login via github
Login via github
Login via github

The brief

It all started with our users asking us to give access to Akto dashboard to developers. Our users - Security teams wanted Akto to be highly adopted by developers in the organizations. Some of these organizations have developers in the range of 1000s. We initially thought sending an invite link to Akto’s dashboard should be enough to invite someone but that couldn’t scale. Very quickly we needed SSO capabilities starting with the most used SSO integration for developers i.e. GitHub.


Within a day we developed a way for our users to login via GitHub into Akto dashboard.

With the Sign in with GitHub button, Akto now easily extends to developers in any organization.

Login to Akto via GitHub

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