August 2023 Newsletter: New pricing, BlackHat, Test Editor and more..

This blog is the first monthly newsletter for Akto, open source API Security in CI/CD. We have exciting updates to share with you, including new product features and highlights, upcoming events, and recommended readings.

Ankita Gupta

2 mins

August newsletter
August newsletter
August newsletter

We are thrilled to present to you our very first monthly newsletter! With this newsletter, our goal is to keep you closely connected to Akto's ever-evolving universe, packed with events, new offerings, and invaluable resources. Let's embark on this journey of exploration and innovation together!

This month, we have exciting updates to share with you, including new product features and highlights, upcoming events, and recommended readings. So read on!

Fresh Off The Shelf

Check out the new pricing plans

Akto pricing plans

Check out the new pricing plans for both self-hosted and cloud options. The new pricing is flexible and fits your scale. There are both monthly and annual billing options. Contact us at for any questions on the pricing plans or more info on annual billing options.

API Security Test Editor: Public Beta Out!

Test Editor

Every API is unique and your API Testing should be too. Akto's test editor, launched last month is a simple, fast and scalable way to test APIs for security vulnerabilities. It allows you to write easy YAML templates in under 10 mins, test them on sample APIs and add to their API Security test library for continuous testing. Test Editor supports tests for both JSON and graphQL APIs. Dive into the full announcement or watch the Demo

Test Library 2.0: Includes 130+ Tests covering OWASP Top 10

API Security Test Library

Akto now covers more than 130+ test written in simple, easy to understand YAML format. You can use them as is for you API testing needs or edit them for your custom cases. Check our documentation to learn more about Test Library or try in your testing playground.

Monthly product updates in your inbox. No spam.

Monthly product updates in your inbox. No spam.

Monthly product updates in your inbox. No spam.

✔️ Other Product Updates

  • GraphQL Testing: You will now be able to use Akto’s test editor to test your GraphQL endpoints.

  • Rate Limit: You can now configure rate limits for your individual test runs.

  • Social login for cloud platform: Improved login flow for users and added social login for cloud platform.

🛠️ See everything we’ve shipped in the Akto changelog

💡Community and events highlights:

  1. BLackHat and DefCon: Akto was selected to present at BlackHAt and Defcon 2023. Both the presentations saw a lot audience and users interested in Akto’s open source API Security product. Here is a virtual presentation and also event highlights.

  2. We conducted a Hands-on API Security Workshop in Mountain View and Los Angeles in partnership with OWASP Foundation. Both the workshops had a turn around of about 50+ security engineers and developers learning about API Security testing for the new OWASP top 10. Read more about it here.

  3. 500+ Stars on GitHub: We went open source six months back and we are proud to see community loving us on GitHub.

  4. Our first ProductHunt Launch: We received massive love from the community for our Launch of test editor on Product Hunt.

📚Recommended Reading, listening and watching:

  • Clickjacking: Learn everything about Clickjacking, understanding vulnerability, attacks and prevention here.

  • Content Security policy: Read how to implement Content Security Policy with examples and use cases.

  • Directory Traversal: A comprehensive guide, examples and prevention measures.

  • Server-side Template Injection: Read all about it, explanation, discovery, exploitation, and prevention in this blog.

  • Akto’s first podcast episode - API Security: The good, the bad, the ugly**:** Ep1: Common API vulnerabilities with Avinash Jain from Microsoft.

  • Our presentation at BlackHat: BlackHat Arsenal Presentation | Open-Source API Security

🤔 What’s Next?

Stay tuned for exciting new features, riveting podcast episodes and immersive conversations on proactive API Security!

That’s a wrap on August’s newsletter. We’d love to hear any feedback you have on this newsletter, so let us know what you’d like to hear from us about next!

Until next month!

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Want to ask something?

Our community offers a network of support and resources. You can ask any question there and will get a reply in 24 hours.

Want to ask something?

Our community offers a network of support and resources. You can ask any question there and will get a reply in 24 hours.

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Experience enterprise-grade API Security solution