Building a DevSecOps Culture
Building a DevSecOps Culture
Building a DevSecOps Culture


Building a DevSecOps Culture: Cultivating a security-aware culture within the teams

Introduction DevSecOps Culture

In today’s rapidly evolving tech landscape, merely incorporating security tools isn't enough. Building a robust digital digital fortress goes beyond implementing sophisticated software. It’s about fostering a culture. A culture where every developer, operator, and even the end-user is conscious and proactive about security. Enter DevSecOps, a culture shift that integrates security into the very fabric of development and operations processes.

But why is there such a buzz about it? Why is it that having a DevSecOps culture can potentially be the game-changer in the way we approach software security? Dive in with us as we unravel the essence of building a DevSecOps culture, highlighting its significance, challenges, and immense benefits. Welcome to a world where security isn’t just a task, it’s a mindset!

Understanding DevSecOps Culture

The term “DevSecOps” might sound like another round of tech jargon. But its roots lie deeper than buzzwords. To truly grasp the essence of DevSecOps, let’s decode its core components.

  • Dev: Stands for Development. It refers to the phase where software applications are created.

  • Sec: Refers to Security. This isn’t just about firewalls and antivirus programs. It encapsulates practices that ensure data protection, compliance, and risk mitigation throughout the application’s lifecycle.

  • Ops: Stands for Operations. It’s the phase where the application is deployed, monitored, and maintained to ensure optimal performance.

There is some astounding market data coming out for DevSecOps as well! Infosec Institute states the following:

  • Between 2017 and 2023, the global DevSecOps market is anticipated to expand at CAGR of 33.7%.

  • In 2021, the DevSecOps market was estimated to be worth $3.73 billion.

  • According to projections, the DevSecOps market would increase at a CAGR of 30.76% from 2022 to 2030, reaching $41.66 billion.

  • It was predicted that the surge in cybercrime from various sources would cost the globe more than $6 trillion in 2021.

To see the entire paper, check out their post!

While traditional DevOps focuses on collaboration between development and operations, DevSecOps integrates security into the mix, making it an intrinsic part of every phase.

But why is culture pivotal here? Why not just introduce some security tools and call it a day?

Beyond Tools: Why DevSecOps Culture Matters

Imagine having a state-of-the-art security system at your home, but you leave the main door unlocked every time you go out. The best tools become redundant without the right mindset and practices in place. Similarly, without fostering a DevSecOps culture, teams might bypass security protocols in the rush to deploy applications, leading to vulnerabilities.

The essence of this culture is to ensure that every team member prioritizes security from day one, ensuring a proactive rather than reactive approach.

DevOps Vs DevSecOps

Tools and Techniques of DevSecOps

DevSecOps is performed in steps, which are normally called a pipeline. Every organization’s pipeline may have slightly different steps, or use different tools to do so, but every pipeline has the same goal: To integrate security into every step of the development process. Here is an example of a DevSecOps pipeline with the DevOps techniques and the security tools and each step, turning this pipeline into DevSecOps:

DevOps Pipeline

The Pillars of a DevSecOps Culture

Embracing DevSecOps is akin to building a resilient structure. To ensure it stands strong, certain foundational pillars are indispensable. Let’s delve into these pillars that uphold a robust DevSecOps culture:


A harmonious synergy between developers, security professionals, and operations teams.

Why it Matters: When teams work in silos, it hampers communication and creates bottlenecks. Collaborative efforts help in early identification of security flaws, speeding up the development cycle without compromising on security.


A consistent consciousness about security risks, vulnerabilities, and best practices.

Why it Matters: Security is as strong as the weakest link. Continuous awareness ensures that every team member is equipped to make security-centric decisions throughout the application lifecycle.


Holding every team member responsible for the security aspects of the components they work on.

Why it Matters: When everyone is accountable, it disperses the weight of security across the organization, ensuring that no vulnerability goes unnoticed or unaddressed.

Continuous Learning

Regular updating of skills and knowledge about the latest security threats and mitigation techniques.

Why it Matters: The digital landscape is ever-evolving. Yesterday’s security best practices might be today’s vulnerabilities. Continuous learning keeps teams adaptive and prepared for emerging threats.

In essence, these pillars aren’t mere theoretical concepts. They are the guiding principles that should influence every decision, action, and strategy in a DevSecOps environment. When upheld and implemented, they can transform an organization’s security posture from being reactive to proactive, from vulnerable to fortified.

Step 1: Start with Leadership Buy-In

The journey to cultivate a thriving DevSecOps culture often begins at the top. Leadership’s involvement isn’t merely beneficial, it’s pivotal. Here’s why:

The Role of Top Management in Setting the Tone

Leaders are not just decision-makers. They are influencers. When the executive suite prioritizes and supports the integration of security into every facet of the development lifecycle, it sends a potent message throughout the organization: security isn’t an afterthought. It is fundamental.

Moreover, leadership buy-in ensures allocation of necessary resources, be it time, funds, or manpower, to establish and fortify the DevSecOps framework. It’s a commitment that security will not be compromised for speed or vice versa.

Example of leadership buy-in in DevSecOps

WidgetCo, a real-world IoT enterprise, offers a poignant example. Despite having agile development, security was mostly reactive, leading to a severe breach that cost the firm financially and tarnished its reputation. Prior to this, the executives had largely dismissed DevSecOps as jargon. The problem lay in WidgetCo's existing DevOps setup, which was devoid of built-in security measures, making them vulnerable to attacks. The CTO’s buy-in was the missing piece. Once he championed the shift to DevSecOps, he sent a clear signal across the organization that security wasn’t optional but foundational. This led to budget approvals for specialized staff and tools, achieving a more secure and efficient operation.

Step 2: Break the Silos – Collaboration in DevSecOps is Key

In many organizations, departments often work in isolated environments, termed as “silos”. While this might seem efficient on the surface, it inadvertently leads to communication barriers, redundancy, and missed opportunities, especially when it comes to security.

Importance of Interaction Between Dev, Sec, and Ops Teams

The modern digital landscape demands speed, but not at the cost of security. To strike this balance:

  • Developers need real-time feedback on potential vulnerabilities in their code

  • Security teams must understand the nuances of development processes to suggest possible security implementations.

  • Operations teams require insights into both developmental challenges and security protocols to ensure seamless deployment and maintenance.

When these departments collaborate effectively:

  • Reduced time to market: Immediate feedback loops lead to quicker iterations, reducing the product’s time-to-market.

  • Enhanced security: With many eyes scanning the process, vulnerabilities are identified and rectified promptly.

  • Optimized resources: Avoiding rework and duplication means better resource utilization and cost efficiency.

DevSecOps Interaction

Example of Collaboration in DevSecOps

HealthTech Inc. faced a recurring issue of delayed product releases coupled with persistent security vulnerabilities. The root cause was identified as poor communication and collaboration between the Development, Security, and Operations teams, each operating in its own silo. The Development team often bypassed security checks to speed up releases, leading to vulnerabilities. Security, lacking timely inputs from development, proposed solutions that were often impractical or ignored. Operations found themselves stuck rectifying these gaps during deployment, causing delays and inefficiencies. HealthTech’s CTO took the initiative to break these silos by implementing bi-weekly cross-functional meetings. Here, Dev, Sec, and Ops teams could discuss ongoing projects, challenges, and collaborative solutions in real-time. The outcome was that the new collaboration methods led to immediate feedback, reducing product time-to-market by 20%. Integrated discussions led to quicker identification of vulnerabilities, cutting down security incidents by 30%. Better communication eliminated redundant tasks, saving the company about $200,000 annually in operational costs.

Step 3: Security Training and Continuous Learning

The ever-evolving threat landscape demands a workforce that is not just skilled, but is continually updating its knowledge. The answer lies in consistent training and a commitment to learning.

Organizing Workshops, Webinars, and Training Sessions

Training should not be a one-off event, but a recurring feature. Here’s how to make it effective:

  1. Customized curriculum: Categorize employees based on their roles and design training modules tailored to their specific needs. A developer might need deep insights into secure coding, while an Ops professional might benefit from a workshop on secure deployment practices.

  2. Practical sessions: Merely theoretical knowledge won’t cut it. Incorporate hands-on sessions, simulations, and real-world scenarios to ensure practical application.

  3. Guest speakers: Occasionally, invite industry experts to share their insights and experiences. It provides a fresh perspective and might introduce teams to new methodologies and tools.

Example of Security training and learning in DevSecOps

RetailSoft, a retail product, found that despite having some initial training programs, their security incidents kept rising. Further investigation revealed that employees were not keeping up with the latest security threats and methodologies due to lack of ongoing training. RetailSoft solved this through training. Developers got focused training on secure coding, while Ops teams were taught the intricacies of secure server deployment. RetailSoft conducted training with live hack simulations and hands-on coding sessions to illustrate the consequences of poor security practices. Quarterly webinars were introduced, featuring cybersecurity experts who shared the latest trends and threat mitigation techniques. The outcome was impressive. Security incidents decreased by 25% within six months. Employee engagement in security topics increased, evident from a 40% rise in attendance in the newly implemented training programs. Cost savings from avoiding security incidents were estimated at around $150,000 in the first year.

Step 4: Celebrate Security Achievements

In the rush to innovate and outpace competition, the silent victories of security often go unnoticed. However, recognizing and celebrating security milestones can have profound effects on the morale and motivation of teams.

Recognizing and Rewarding Security Best Practices and Improvements

It’s human nature to thrive on appreciation. When teams or individuals are re-lauded for their security-centric actions or initiatives:

  1. Boosts morale: Employees feel valued, knowing that their efforts towards ensuring security aren’t taken for granted.

  2. Encourages positive behavior: Recognizing good security practices sets a standard. It tells others what is expected and encourages them to adopt similar behaviors.

  3. Creates Ambassadors: Those recognized often become champions of security within the organization, influencing their peers positively.

Here are some ideas for ways to celebrate:

  • Monthly awards: Introduce awards like “Security Champion of the Month” or “Best Secure Code Practice”

  • Annual Security Day: Dedicate a day to workshops, talks, and celebrations centered around security. Recognize outstanding contributors during this event.

  • Feedback platforms: Create platforms where peers can appreciate and provide feedback, fostering a community of shared growth.

The Ripple Effect of Recognition

Consider an illustrative scenario of an organization grappling with security incidents. To foster a proactive security culture, they introduced a “Security Excellence Recognition”. Employees who showcased exceptional security practices or introduced innovative solutions were regularly highlighted in company newsletters and given a special badge on the company’s internal communication platform.

The outcome was profoundly positive. Not only did security incidents see a significant reduction, but there was a noticeable increase in employees proactively enrolling in security training sessions, collaborating on best practices, and actively participating in security discussions.

Check out this article by the Harvard Business Review: A Little Recognition Can Provide a Big Moral Boost

The takeaway is clear: recognizing and celebrating security achievements can drive a proactive security culture, transforming reactive measures into proactive solutions.

Step 5: Incorporate Security Feedback Loops

Feedback loops are foundational in the world of software development. But when we infuse them with security insights, they become powerful tools in enhancing not just product quality, but also its robustness against threats.

Importance of Feedback from Security Operations and Developers

A security feedback loop ensures that insights and observations from the security operations are relayed back to the developers and the broader team. This cycle:

  1. Facilitates immediate remediation: Vulnerabilities or issues are addressed in real-time, preventing them from evolving into critical threats.

  2. Offers learning opportunities: Direct feedback provides developers with tangible examples, refining their coding practices for subsequent projects.

  3. Strengthens trust: Regular communication establishes trust between security professionals and developers, promoting a receptive attitude towards security recommendations.

Application CI/CD

Example of Incorporating Security Feedback in DevSecOps

Despite using sophisticated tools for monitoring security, DataStream Dynamics faced recurring vulnerabilities in their analytics platform. The issue was not the lack of tools but the absence of an effective feedback loop to convey these insights back to the developers. To solve this, DataStream implemented a real-time dashboard that displayed security alerts directly visible to the development team. Any security vulnerability detected would automatically generate an issue ticket in the development team's workflow for immediate attention. Security and development teams convened every two weeks to discuss the vulnerabilities and improvements needed, bridging the gap between the two departments.

The Outcomes:

  • Vulnerabilities were addressed 50% faster due to immediate developer notification.

  • Security incidents decreased by 22% over the course of six months, thanks to improved coding practices.

  • Trust between the security and development teams strengthened, leading to a more harmonious and productive work environment.

API Security: The Silent Guardian

As we advance into a world of interconnected systems and services, APIs have emerged as the backbone of digital transformation. However, with great connectivity comes the potential for greater vulnerability, making API security paramount in a DevSecOps culture.

Significance of Securing APIs in a DevSecOps Culture

APIs act as gateways, facilitating data transfer between different systems. When these gateways are not fortified:

  1. Data breaches: Unsecured APIs can become conduits for data leaks, exposing sensitive information.

  2. System compromises: Attackers can exploit API vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access or even control over systems.

  3. Reputation damage: Security incidents stemming from API breaches can severely tarnish an organization’s reputation and erode customer trust.

API Security meme

How Vendors Like Akto Can Strengthen Security in DevSecOps

Specialized vendors, like Akto, provide solutions dedicated to API security:

  1. Continuous API monitoring: Continuous monitoring of API endpoints can identify new APIs and misconfigurations in real time.

  2. Continuous API Security testing: Ensure that no vulnerable API is deployed in production.

Being proactive in securing your APIs and having continuous security checks in your DevSecOps pipeline is the absolute and only right way to secure your APIs.

If you are interested in proactive API Security, check out Akto’s Documentation to start with your API Security journey.

Challenges in Cultivating a DevSecOps Culture

While the advantages of building a DevSecOps culture are evident, the journey to its full realization is fraught with challenges. Recognizing and addressing these challenges head-on is crucial to successfully integrate security within the DevSecOps lifecycle.

Overcoming Resistance

  1. Human element: People are creatures of habit. Introducing new security practices can be met with resistance due to the perceived additional workload or change from established routines.

  2. Silos: Some teams may resist integration, feeling that their processes could be slowed down or interrupted by security mandates.

  3. Knowledge gap: A lack of understanding about the importance of security can lead to skepticism about its integration.

Managing Costs

  1. Initial investment: Building a DevSecOps culture may require investments in new tools, training, and resources, which can be seen as additional costs.

  2. Maintenance costs: Continuous monitoring, threat detection, and vulnerability patching can lead to recurring costs.

Ensuring Continuous Participation

  1. Engagement fatigue: Continuous training and updates can sometimes lead to engagement fatigue among teams.

  2. Turnover challenges: With team members changing roles or leaving, ensuring that new members are inducted into the DevSecOps culture becomes vital.

Though the path to a thriving DevSecOps culture can seem daunting, it’s essential to view these challenges as growth opportunities. By addressing each challenge proactively, organizations can pave the way for a more secure, efficient, and collaborative environment.

Benefits of a Successful DevSecOps Culture

As organizations embark on the journey of integrating security into every facet of their development operations, the rewards waiting at the finish line are profound. A thriving DevSecOps culture, beyond just enhancing security, offers a myriad of benefits that ripple across the entire organization.

Improve Security Posture

  1. Proactive defense: with security integrated from the outset, vulnerabilities are identified and rectified earlier in the development cycle. According to a Veracode report, organizations that adopt this approach reduce security flaws in their new code by up to 48%.

  2. Reduced attack surface: Regular assessments and feedback loops help minimize risks. A Ponemon Institute study found that companies using security intelligence systems experienced a 32% reduction in attack success rates.

Faster Response Times

  1. Quick incident resolution: A security-first mindset allows for quicker incident detection and resolution. According to IBM's Cost of a Data Breach Report, the average time to identify a breach in 2021 was 212 days; companies with well-integrated security practices reduced this by approximately 27%.

  2. Streamlined processes: Collaboration ensures faster deployment of security fixes. A DORA report indicates that elite DevOps teams resolve incidents 2,604 times faster than low-performing peers.

Happier Teams

  1. Collaborative environment: Breaking down silos encourages mutual respect and collaboration. Atlassian's Team Playbook reports that highly collaborative teams show a 60% improvement in overall productivity.

  2. Empowerment: Proper training and tools empower teams, which in a LinkedIn study, showed that 94% of employees would stay longer at a company if it invested in their career development.

Satisfied Customers

  1. Trust: Customer trust grows when security is a priority. According to Edelman’s Trust Barometer, 81% of consumers say trust in a brand is a deciding factor in their purchasing decisions.

  2. Reliability: Fewer security incidents translate to more uptime. A [Gartner study]( average cost of IT,%241 million to %245 million.) revealed that the average cost of IT downtime is $5,600 per minute; by reducing incidents, you're directly contributing to business continuity.


The evolution of DevOps into DevSecOps is not merely a technical upgrade. It is a cultural transformation. As we have delved into the aspects of building a DevSecOps culture, it becomes clear that the journey, while challenging, is of paramount importance in our increasingly interconnected digital landscape.

Reflecting on the journey, a DevSecOps culture represents the amalgamation of development speed, operational efficiency, and security prowess. It breaks the traditional silos, engenders trust, and shifts the narrative from “Security as a roadblock” to “Security as an enabler”.

Further Readings on DevSecOps:

What is DevSecOps?: Introduction to DevSecOps, its evolution, and significance: Learn about DevSecops, its evolution, significance, case studies and assessing a career in the field through this blog

Top 8 DevSecOps Best Practices: Identify key DevSecOps best practices for secure software development.

The Roadmap to DevSecOps Adoption: Step-by-step approach to adopting DevSecOps: Learn how building such a cross-functional team is critical for the seamless integration of security into the CI/CD pipeline.

DevSecOps Applications in 6 Industries [Examples and Case Studies]: This blog talks about DevSecOps best practices in various industries including e-commerce, fintech, healthcare and more.

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Gartner estimates that by 2025, less than 50% of enterprise APIs will be properly managed.

Gartner estimates that by 2025, less than 50% of enterprise APIs will be properly managed.

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