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API Security

API Security

Twilio Data Breach

API Security

3 minutes

Twilio Data Breach: 33 Million Authy User Phone Numbers Exposed by Hacker

Twilio's data breach exposed 33 million Authy user phone numbers because of an unauthenticated endpoint.

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Dynamic White Box Testing

API Security

10 minutes

Dynamic White Box Testing Guide - Key Features, Levels and Examples

Dynamic White Box Testing is a strategy in which the tester is aware of the internal structure of the application under test.

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Muzammil Hasan

DAST Black Box Testing

API Security

8 minutes

DAST Black Box Testing: Types of Black Box Testing and How it works

Black Box Testing is a methodology where the internal workings of the system under test are unknown to the tester.

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Muzammil Hasan


API Security

12 minutes

What is ZAP DAST: Step-by-Step Guide to Installing ZAP DAST

ZAP DAST secures your web applications during runtime from security vulnerabilities by mimicking the actions of a malicious attacker.

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Muzammil Hasan

Github DAST

API Security

10 minutes

GitHub DAST: Key Features, Setting Up GitHub DAST, and Its Use Cases

GitHub DAST protects your web applications from security vulnerabilities by simulating attacks on web applications while it is running.

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Muzammil Hasan

Burp Suite DAST

API Security

12 minutes

Burp Suite DAST Overview: How Burp Suite Operates

Burp Suite DAST protects your web applications from security vulnerabilities by simulating the actions of a malicious attacker.

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Muzammil Hasan

Tenable DAST

API Security

12 minutes

How Tenable DAST Works and How Organizations Use It

Tenable DAST is a tool designed to protect modern applications including those reliant on javascript and AJAX frameworks from online threats.

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Muzammil Hasan

Rapid7 DAST

API Security

10 minutes

Rapid7 DAST: Steps to Install and Configure Rapid7 DAST

Rapid7 DAST is a tool that analyzes web applications to identify potential security vulnerabilities.

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Muzammil Hasan

Qualys DAST

API Security

10 minutes

How Qualys DAST Works? The Key Features of Qualys DAST

Qualys DAST is a tool that checks running applications from outside to inspect security flaws.

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Muzammil Hasan

What is Snyk DAST?

API Security

9 minutes

How to Use Snyk DAST? Integrating Snyk DAST into Your CI/CD Pipeline

Snyk DAST examines your applications in real-time from outside to find possible security issues.

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Muzammil Hasan

DAST Gartner

API Security

9 minutes

DAST Gartner: How Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for DAST Works and Its Impact

DAST Gartner protects your applications from security vulnerabilities by simulating attacks in real time.

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Muzammil Hasan


API Security

10 minutes

OWASP Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST): Key Features, Projects, and Limitations

OWASP DAST is a tool designed to uncover security flaws in your live application by simulating external attacks.

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Muzammil Hasan

Synopsys DAST - WhiteHat DAST

API Security

10 minutes

Synopsys DAST or WhiteHat DAST: Integrating Synopsys DAST with CI/CD Pipelines

Synopsys DAST or WhiteHat DAST secures your running web applications from potential vulnerabilities by simulating real-world attacks.

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Muzammil Hasan

Invicti DAST

API Security

8 minutes

Invicti DAST: Configuring a Scan and How Scanning Works in Invicti DAST

Invicti DAST is a tool designed to identify security vulnerabilities in websites and web applications by simulating real-world attacks.

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Muzammil Hasan

What is Fortify DAST?

API Security

8 minutes

The Role of Fortify DAST in Scanning and WebInspect Installation

Fortify DAST secures your deployed web applications and services from potential vulnerabilities by simulating attacks.

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Muzammil Hasan

What is Veracode DAST?

API Security

8 minutes

Guide of Veracode DAST: Essentials, Documentation and Pricing

Veracode DAST simulates external attacks to check your web applications and APIs for security vulnerabilities.

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Muzammil Hasan

What is Checkmarx DAST?

API Security

10 minutes

Checkmarx Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST): How the Checkmarx DAST Scan Works

Checkmarx DAST examines your live web applications and APIs for security issues by mimicking real-world attacks.

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Muzammil Hasan

What is GitLab DAST?

API Security

10 minutes

GitLab DAST: Template Setup, Authentication, and Step-by-Step Scanning Guide

GitLab DAST is a tool that simulates attacks on your web applications to protect them from potential security issues.

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Muzammil Hasan

Prompt Injection

API Security

5 mins

Prompt Injection Vulnerabilities in LLMs: An Overview of OWASP LLM01

Prompt injection in Large Language Models (LLMs) is a security attack technique where malicious instructions are inserted into a prompt, leading the LLM to unintentionally perform actions that may include revealing sensitive information, executing unauthorized actions, or manipulating its output.


LLM Model Risks

API Security

6 mins

LLM Risks: Insights & Real-World Case Studies

LLM security involves protecting AI systems like ChatGPT, Bard from potential risks such as biased outputs, malicious use and maintaining privacy in their applications.


Insecure Output Handling

API Security

7 mins

Insecure Output Handling in LLMs: Insights into OWASP LLM02

This blog is about "Insecure Output Handling" that pertains to the potential risk that may arise when the content generated by an LLM is not adequately sanitized or filtered prior to being presented to the end user.

Arjun Author


API Security in DevSecOps with Joe Gerber

API Security

10 mins

API Security in DevSecOps with Joe Gerber, VP AppSec Wells Fargo

On 18th Jan, 2024, Akto hosted a Webinar on API Security in DevSecOps with Joe Gerber, VP Appsec at Wells-Fargo.

Raaga Srinivas

Raaga Srinivas

SQL Injection Cheet Sheet

API Security

6 Mins

SQL Injection Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive guide to SQL Injection vulnerabilities, techniques, and examples. Learn how to exploit different databases and bypass WAF.

Medusa Author


Top 10 Best API Security Practices

API Security

10 mins

# Top 10 API Security Best Practices You Must Implement

A comprehensive guide on the top 10 API security best practices, covering authentication, encryption, testing, and vulnerability prevention.



OWASP Top 10 API Security Threats 2023

API Security

6 min

Exploring the OWASP API Top 10: The Leading Security Threats of 2023

The OWASP Top 10 for API 2023 is the latest list released by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). In this blog you will learn what are these top 10 API vulnerabilities and how to protect your APIs against them.

Medusa Author


XML Injection: examples, cheatsheet and prevention

API security

15 mins

XML injection vulnerability: Examples, cheatsheet and prevention

XML Injection is a type of attack that targets web applications that generate XML content. Attackers use malicious code to exploit vulnerabilities in XML parsers to manipulate the content of an XML document.

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API Security

8 mins

What is IDOR? Insecure direct object reference

IDOR is a type of security vulnerability that is caused by an application's failure to properly validate and authorize user input leading to unauthorized action.

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CORS vulnerability

API Security

9 mins

CORS Vulnerabilities: How Attackers Exploit Cross-Origin Resource Sharing to Steal API Keys

CORS is commonly used to enable web pages to interact with APIs hosted on a different domain than the web page itself.


SQL Inection

API Security

10 mins read

SQL Injection: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding SQL Injection Risks

SQL Injection (SQLi) is a type of attack where an attacker injects malicious SQL code into a vulnerable application's database query.

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API Security

6 mins read

How To Test BOLA by Parameter Pollution Using Akto

In 2016, a security researcher discovered a vulnerability that allowed attackers to bypass Uber's two-factor authentication system and take over accounts by exploiting BOLA via parameter pollution.



API Security

8 mins read

BFLA: How to test Broken Function Level Authorization by Changing the HTTP Method Using Akto?

The Equifax data breach in 2017, which exposed the personal information of 143 million individuals, was a result of a vulnerability in the Apache Struts API framework and a broken functionality level authorization (BFLA) in Equifax's web application.


Test mass assignment vulnerability

API Security

5 min read

Mass Assignment Vulnerability: How to Test Mass Assignment in APIs using Akto

This blog is about learning mass assignment vulnerability, how to find it manually, how to test for it using Akto and finally how to prevent it.



API Security

10 min read

What's changed in OWASP API Security Top 10 2023 Release Candidate from 2019?

In this blog, we will compare the changes of OWASP API Security Top 10 2019 and OWASP API Security Top 10 2023 release candidate.

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Jaydev Ahire


API Security

8 min read

What is Broken Object Level Authorization (BOLA)?

Broken Object level Authorization is the most critical vulnerability in OWASP Top 10 of APIs.

Jaydev Ahire


API Security

6 min read

Broken Authentication: What is Broken User Authentication (BUA)?

Broken User Authentication is one of the most critical vulnerability in OWASP Top 10 of APIs.

Jaydev Ahire

How to test JWT-NONE Algorithm

API Security

5 min read

How to Test JWT NONE Algorithm Vulnerability?

In this blog, you will learn How to test JWT NONE Algorithm vulnerability using Akto.

Jaydev Ahire

Jaydev Ahire


API Security

6 min read

Defending Against BOLA Attacks: Testing Endpoints with Vulnerable User IDs

In this blog you will learn how to test for Broken Object Level Authorization with weak enumerable user IDs.

Jaydev Ahire

Bola Test Case

API Security

5 min read

Testing UUID Security: Preventing BOLA Exploitation on API Endpoints

This blog is about how to test for BOLA using unauthorized UUID on an API endpoint.

Jaydev Ahire

Jaydev Ahire

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