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Webinar: Move from Traditional DAST with Jim Manico. Watch the recording

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Validate Input Sanitization using Github Copilot

Validate Input Sanitization using Github Copilot

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a prevalent web security vulnerability that allows attackers to inject malicious scripts into web pages viewed by other users. Input sanitization is a critical defense technique that involves cleaning user input validation to prevent malicious data from being executed as code.

GitHub Copilot for Security
GitHub Copilot for Security
GitHub Copilot for Security

Ankita Gupta

Ankita Gupta

Ankita Gupta

Ensuring that input sanitization functions effectively prevent XSS vulnerabilities is crucial for web application security.

Input Validation: Scenario

Consider a JavaScript function designed to sanitize user input for a web application:

function sanitizeInput(input) {
    return input.replace(/<script.*?>.*?<\/script>/gi, '');

This function atempts to remove <script> tags from user inputs, aiming to prevent script injection and block XSS attacks.

Engaging GitHub Copilot:

Prompt to GitHub Copilot: "Check this input sanitization function for XSS vulnerabilities."

Anticipated Copilot Analysis:

GitHub Copilot would evaluate the sanitization approach and might respond with:

The input sanitization function aims to mitigate XSS by removing `<script>` tags from user inputs. However, there are several concerns:

1. Inadequate Filtering: The function only targets explicit `<script>` tags. XSS attacks can be conducted through other tags and events, such as `<img onerror=...>` or `<div onclick=...>`. Attackers can bypass the filter by using different tags or encoding methods.

2. Blacklist Approach: Relying on a blacklist (specifying what to remove) is less secure compared to a whitelist approach (specifying what to allow). Consider using a whitelist of safe characters or tags and encoding or removing all other inputs.

3. Regular Expression Limitations: The use of regular expressions to filter out malicious scripts can be circumvented. Complex or obfuscated scripts may not match the pattern and could still execute.

4. Escaping Data: Instead of removing potentially harmful characters, it's often safer to escape user input. This means converting special characters to HTML entities (e.g., converting `<` to `&lt;`).

5. Using Secure Libraries: Utilize established libraries for sanitization, such as OWASP's Java Encoder for Java or DOMPurify for JavaScript, which are more likely to be up-to-date against various XSS attack vectors.

6. Contextual Output Encoding: Apply context-specific encoding when rendering user input in HTML, JavaScript, URL, or CSS contexts. This approach ensures that the input is safe to display in the given context.

To enhance the function’s effectiveness against XSS, consider the following revised version:

function sanitizeInput(input) {
    return input.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g, '');  // Whitelist alphanumeric characters and spaces

Alternatively, use a library like DOMPurify to sanitize HTML content securely:

function sanitizeInput(input) {
    return DOMPurify.sanitize(input);

These changes improve the robustness of the sanitization process, reducing the risk of XSS vulnerabilities.

While GitHub Copilot can provide valuable insights when validating input validation sanitization, there are several pitfalls to watch out for:

  • Over-reliance on AI: GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered tool and, while highly advanced, it may not catch all potential vulnerabilities.

  • Limited contextual understanding: GitHub Copilot might not fully understand the context of the code it is analyzing. As a result, it might not catch vulnerabilities that are context-specific.

  • False positives/negatives: Like any automated tool, GitHub Copilot is prone to false positives (identifying a vulnerability that doesn't exist) and false negatives (not identifying a vulnerability that exists).

  • Constantly evolving threats: Web security threats continually evolve, and new vulnerabilities can emerge. GitHub Copilot's advice is only as good as its training data, and it might not be aware of the latest threats.

Always complement the use of GitHub Copilot with manual code reviews by experienced developers, and consider using other security tools for a comprehensive evaluation.

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